Past Progress and Current Priorities
A Malaysian patent application was filed in March 2023; since then, the Company has received sales and licensing inquiries from, among others, Spain, Austria, Japan, Myanmar, Singapore, Australia, and Indonesia. It is now raising RM1 million in seed funding to cover:
Patent Application Fees
SAPG is filing patent applications in 157 jurisdictions covered by the Patent Cooperation Treaty worldwide.
R&D and Prototype Construction
Prospective buyers have stipulated they must personally inspect a working prototype before entering a sales or licensing agreement.
A professionally directed marketing campaign is essential to educate energy consumers worldwide on the benefits of this disruptive new technology.
Early stage investors impressed by the Company’s potential have already pledged 30% of the target amount as of the time of writing, with new inquiries coming in on a regular basis.
Our Projects
The upcoming power plant advancements